I’m a passionate electronics engineer with a broad affinity for mechanics on one side and software on the other. As a kid you could always find me in my dads shed crafting in one way or another on bikes, mopeds, motorcycles, cars, computers, electronics etc. My parents stimulated me to “discover, invent and build” everything related to or with mechanical and electric aspects. They would supply me in whatever they could afford, especially knowledge.
I’ve learned to weld, to use the milling machine, to develop techniques which were needed to build a product or to make an existing product better. Later on when I’d had to choose for a technical education, electronics stole my heart and I started to grow a passion for it. Teachers saw this passion and always encouraged and challenged me to do better and exceed myself.
For a skilled electronics engineer it is necessary to have experience in conterminous field as just mentioned. This gives overview and insights to think ahead in a process of product development, because electronics are always (and always will be) a part of a product and its process of development. Its crucial to be able to understand the design philosophy, so the designed electronics will integrate seamless with the rest of the product. Within this company I aim for total transparancy towards the client. It is therefore important to start development well defined and keep constantly in touch during the project.